ICT solutions
Major contracts of HiTES CE in the area of ICT solutions
Delivery of IT and imaging equipment
Delivery of computer equipment, installation and supply of imaging equipment, supply of video cameras for security and surveillance systems.
Supplying of IT
Delivery of computer equipment and peripherals
Construction of server rooms and LANs
Delivery of server room and data racks, including equipment, LAN network, preparation for backup power supply and provision of project documentation.
Construction of server rooms and LANs
Delivery of server rooms and data racks, their internal equipment, LAN network, optical and metallic connections, redundant backup power supply system, installation of Enterprise WiFi AP and active elements and provision of project documentation.
IT supplies and communication infrastructure
Deliveries of active elements, security solutions, computer technology and voice communication infrastructure.
Supplying and administration of IT
Supplies of computer and telecommunications equipment, installation of active components and IT infrastructure management
Construction of server rooms and LANs
Comprehensive concept, design and delivery of server room, LANs, access system, redundant backup power and installation of Enterprise WiFi AP, active components and certain IT technology.
Construction of server rooms and LANs
Delivery of server rooms / data racks, LAN, optical links, backup power system, installation of Enterprise WiFi AP and selected active elements.
Delivery and installation of IT equipment, network infrastructure solutions and security
Delivery and installation of servers. Delivery, installation and configuration of switches, firewall. Wi-Fi network configuration. NAS delivery and configuration. SW implementation for backup. Providing service and support.
Bezpečnostní řešení
Bezpečnostní audit, dodávka bezpečnostního řešení
Security solution
Supplying of security solutions for large enterprises
Digital Media Signage systém
Digital Media Signage systém – návrh a implementace
Security solution
Supplying of security solutions
Supplying of IT
Supplying of computer equipment
Dodávky videotechniky
Dodávka foto a videotechniky, dodávka videostřižny.
Dodávky IT
Dodávka PC sestav a notebooků včetně OS, monitorů, tiskáren, ploteru a další ICT techniky včetně servisních služeb
Dodávky IT
Dodávka PC sestav OS a monitorů včetně servisních služeb. Zajištění technické podpory zpracování výsledků voleb do zastupitelstva města
Dodávky IT a komunikační infrastruktura
Dodávka PC sestav včetně OS a MS Office, projekční a konferenční techniky audio a videotechniky, interaktivní tabule, včetně instalace. Software pro skenování a serverových licencí Ms CAL včetně instalace. Instalace strukturované kabeláže, včetně wifi prvků a aktivních prvků. Dodávka elektronických čteček knih a další ICT techniky.
Data metropolitan network
Involves the supplying and implementation of wireless MW networks, structured cabling, high-current distribution systems, terminal and central active elements and computer equipment, including peripherals.
Construction of cable infrastructure
Design and supplying of optical, data and telephone networks, involving in particular the supplying of a backbone fibre optic network at the Prague Castle, reconstruction of server room equipment, reconstruction of telephone lines at the Prague Castle and the Lány Chateau.
Communication infrastructure
Supplying of active elements, computer and communication equipment, computer network administration.
Uniform communication infrastructure
Supplying, implementation and servicing of uniform TDM/IP communication infrastructure, including communication systems/servers and related distribution systems, as well as supplying and configuration of the telephone parts of operating centres, integration of TCTV 112, incorporation into a uniform numbering plan.
Installation and service of IT forbiometricworksites (CDBP)
Installation and service of HW and SW worksites, ensuring the manufacturing of biometric documents for citizens of the Czech Republic.
Supplying of IT
Designs, supplying and configuration of HW, SW (stations, servers, peripherals), supplying of active elements.
Data and voice infrastructure
Supplying of active elements, computer equipment and voice communication infrastructure. ICT infrastructure administration.
Data and voice infrastructure
Supplying of active elements, computer equipment and voice communication infrastructure. ICT infrastructure administration.
Supplying and administration of IT
Supplying ofactive elements, computer equipment, information and database systems. Computer network administration.
Communication infrastructure
Construction of uniform TDM/IP communication infrastructure,including the supplying, modification or exchange of communication systems/servers.
Reconstruction of LAN at branches
Complete reconstruction of LAN networks at 49 Czech Postbranchesin Moravia and Eastern Bohemia.
Implementation and service support
Implementation and service support for PABXs and active elements for selected customers in the Czech Republic.
Construction of LAN for customer Expedia Services CZ
Design and supplying ofstructured cabling, equipment for 2 server rooms, connecting of switches, supplying and installation of mini PC, design and supplying of AV equipment.
Modernization of LAN andconstruction of server room
Comprehensive design and reconstruction of existing structured cabling, installation of Enterprise WiFi AP, connecting of switches and selected IT equipment, supply and installation of STA and AV equipment.